AirSweep Material Activation System: A Quick Look
AirSweep® pneumatic flow aids are used in thousands of factories all around the world. The nozzles release powerful bursts of high-pressure, high-volume air. It breaks down material blocks without damaging the vessels, and improves factory productivity while lowering operational costs.
But what is the AirSweep® system, and is it the best solution for your particular process?
This video gives you the big picture. Find out:
- How AirSweep works, and how it compares to other material activation devices like fluidizers, air pads, air cannons, industrial vibrators, or the classic “hitting the vessel as hard as you can with a hammer”
- What materials AirSweep® can handle (the short answer: practically everything)
- When and where you can use AirSweep—silos, bins, ribbon blenders, and more!
- How much you will save on energy and maintenance
You can find more in-depth product information and case studies, but if you have any other questions that aren’t answered by the AirSweep introductory video, feel free to message us. We’ll be happy to help.