3 Reasons Why Willy Wonka Needs an AirSweep



It’s been 50 years since the release of the classic film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the story of five kids who get a chance to win the world’s biggest candy plant and realize all the possible things that can go wrong inside it.

Because we all know it takes a lot of work to make all that candy, and anything can go wrong in each stage of production.



To celebrate the film’s 50th anniversary, Powder&Bulk Solids wrote a brilliant article on 5 Things Manufacturers Can Learn from Willy Wonka’s Factory. It’s funny, but also painfully true. For example, Violet Beauregard is a berry good example of the importance of product safety.



Dear Mr. Wonka – can we interest you in an AirSweep?

AirSweep can’t really do much about exploding blueberries, but there are ways we can help you with potential problems in production.

Does your material flow look anything like this? AirSweep can resolve bridging, arching, and other problems to get it moving out of the vessel.



Are your workers still manually cleaning your vessels? You can use the AirSweep to automate your cleanouts, just like how it’s used by one of the world’s biggest infant formula manufacturers.



And AirSweep is also ATEX-certified for potentially hazardous and explosive environments.



So, if you know how we can get in touch with Mr. Wonka, please let us know. We can help him manage the little problems that affect his production and spoil the fun.

And we can help you, too.

When you’re not worrying about material flow, you can focus on things that really matter. And for all the Willy Wonkas running a factory where things (and occasionally, giant blueberries) can blow up any time, that’s the best happy ending.


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